About Me

I am originally from Arkansas, but I've been living in Atlanta since 2005. I have a B.S.E., M.S.E., EdS, and now I'm working on my certification in Instructional Design and Technology. I have been teaching for six years but with all the changes in education, I'm looking to change my career to curriculum and instruction and technology. I'm expecting my first child, a boy, due on Valentines. I'm very excited about that.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Learning from a project "post-mortem"

A project that I‘ve been working on and failed would be my weight loss plan. All I can think about on a daily basis is what I looked like before I had my son in February of last year. Everyone keeps telling me it takes about a year for the weight to come off and the year has approached. Now I’ve gone into state of where this weight loss is constantly on my mind but I’m not doing all that I can to lose the weight. I started out watching the Special K commercials where they said if you eat cereal to replace your meals you would lose 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks. I did not develop a plan of diet and exercise, so I went out and bought all the Special K products. Did I eat cereal, protein shakes, and cereal bars every time I was hungry? No I did not. This is where the frustration set in and I knew losing weight was going to require some real determination. I could not expect the weight to come off just by eating cereal. I should have created a weight loss plan that included a schedule and been more consistent. I should have known that I do better exercising than cutting back on meals so buying the Special K products was a waste of money. This process has not been successful but now that it’s been a year, I’m more motivated and determined to lose weight. I have cut back on meals and I eat smaller portions and I make sure I exercise everyday even if it’s only 10 minutes to make sure I’m burning calories. I’ve downloaded fitness apps on my Iphone to help me stay focused on this journey and it really working. I think developing a plan and gathering research was the reason my weight loss was not successful before. Now I’m constantly doing research, buying whole grain foods and foods that are low in calories, saying no to sodas and staying focused. I am expecting great results by summer time.

Greer, M. (2010). The project management minimalist: Just enough PM to rock your projects! (Laureate custom ed.). Baltimore: Laureate Education, Inc.

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