About Me

I am originally from Arkansas, but I've been living in Atlanta since 2005. I have a B.S.E., M.S.E., EdS, and now I'm working on my certification in Instructional Design and Technology. I have been teaching for six years but with all the changes in education, I'm looking to change my career to curriculum and instruction and technology. I'm expecting my first child, a boy, due on Valentines. I'm very excited about that.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning from a project "Post-mortem"

A project that I‘ve been working on and failed would be my weight loss plan. All I can think about on a daily basis is what I looked like before I had my son in February of last year. Everyone keeps telling me it takes about a year for the weight to come off and the year has approached. Now I’ve gone into state of where this weight loss is constantly on my mind but I’m not doing all that I can to lose the weight. I started out watching the Special K commercials where they said if you eat cereal to replace your meals you would lose 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks. I did not develop a plan of diet and exercise, so I went out and bought all the Special K products. Did I eat cereal, protein shakes, and cereal bars every time I was hungry? No I did not. This is where the frustration set in and I knew losing weight was going to require some real determination. I could not expect the weight to come off just by eating cereal. I should have created a weight loss plan that included a schedule and been more consistent. I should have known that I do better exercising than cutting back on meals so buying the Special K products was a waste of money. This process has not been successful but now that it’s been a year, I’m more motivated and determined to lose weight. I have cut back on meals and I eat smaller portions and I make sure I exercise everyday even if it’s only 10 minutes to make sure I’m burning calories. I’ve downloaded fitness apps on my Iphone to help me stay focused on this journey and it really working. I think developing a plan and gathering research was the reason my weight loss was not successful before. Now I’m constantly doing research, buying whole grain foods and foods that are low in calories, saying no to sodas and staying focused. I am expecting great results by summer time.

Greer, M. (2010). The project management minimalist: Just enough PM to rock your projects!. Retrieved January 3, 2011 from Walden University, Baltimore: Laureate Education, Inc Website: http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/courses/56607/CRS-CW4744643/EDUC_6145_readings/PM-Minimalist-Ver-3-Laureate.pdf


  1. Brandie having a weight loss plan IS the key to being successful. You should also set small goals that you can accomplish so that you feel a sense of success throughout your journey. I have been on the weight loss roller coaster since my early twenties and the only time I have had success is when I planned an exercise routine that was realistic for me as well as an eating plan that allowed me to eat things that I enjoyed. I believe that a lot of what we are learning about project management can be applied to so many other areas in our lives. Good luck!!

  2. It's an interesting concept to apply project management principles to a personal health plan. In the past, when I was most successful with my weight control, I was single, and making choices that only affected me. Even then there were regular battles with well-meaning friends who would suggest that every occasion was a reason to relax the standards. Now that I have my own family, I find it nearly impossible to impose limits on myself only. In order for me to be successful, everyone has to be on the plan with me. Otherwise there are inevitable conflicts with the plans of others that sabotage resolve. The best compromise I have found is to limit portions to prevent weight gain, and to focus on exercise as a means to burn off extra calories instead. Unfortunately, I have a lot of experience under my belt on this issue!

  3. Hi Brandie,

    After reading your post, it definitely seems that you have some major plans to reach your weight lost goals. Do you work out at a local gym or do home workouts? I have been somewhat of a workout fanatic over the years and a solid cardio plan along with healthy eating a light weight training plan can burn calories and reshape you physique in a relatively short amount of time. Consistency will keep the weight off and transform you mentally as well.

  4. Brandie,

    Having a plan is the first step to any improvement, whether it be work or personal related. As you found out, sometimes it can be very difficult to stick to your plan, especially when it involves behavioral changes. Just like for ID, if you asking for people to change the way they are accustomed to, the project can be more difficult than anticipated.

    By evaluating what was working/not working, you have a better plan in place and are on track to reach your goals! Good Luck!

  5. Brandie,
    I think that you are going to have a lot of success too. I think that you have gotten vibrationally up to speed with your goal. I like that you envisioned weight loss as a project. I too am working on weight loss and will now take a new view of the process with your ideas in mind.
